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» [Oldies] Chas Mortimer
[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 11:59 par raspoutine

» controle technique moto
[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 11:19 par Joel Enndewell 2424

» chromage décoratif
[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 9:43 par Dan42

» 125 Yamaha.
[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 9:29 par philippe7

» [Oldies] Quizz (30)
[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 7:07 par coupekawa

» [oldies] Ulster grand prix
[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 1:11 par jack177071

» Té que nique.
[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeHier à 22:21 par Adco

» Nouvelle 500 RD/LC, peut on y croire ?
[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeHier à 21:14 par rudgissimo

» [Oldies] Des livres sur la course moto
[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeHier à 17:30 par bubu

» Les bougies d’allumage principe et fonctionnement
[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeHier à 12:32 par Adco

» [Oldies] Questions (vitesse 1947-1976) (2)
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» Honda rs125 nx4 dry clutch
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» [Oldies] Monza 20 Mai 1973
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» #4 Restauration de mon side-car des années 70,
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»  [MotoGP] Infos , nouveautés , potins , tests et plus pour la saison GP 2025 ...
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» [Oldies] Les transporteurs de motos des paddocks
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» [Oldies] Ils ont p'loté la belle à culbuter de Varese (3ème partie)
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» [Oldies] GP de Paris , Rungis , 22 octobre 1972
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» Roy Hesketh circuit
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» [Oldies] Fergus, Geoff, Libero et les autres (vitesse 1946-1960)
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» [Oldies] Ontario 1972
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»  [WSBK] Infos 2025 .
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 [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012

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Nombre de messages : 28163
Age : 66
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[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Aoû 2012 - 14:22

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Longueur: 4.216 m. / 2,620 miles
Largeur: 16m
Virages à gauche: 10
Virages à droite: 6
Ligne droite: 872 m. / 0,542 miles
Construction: 1909
Modifié: 2011 (resurfaçage Infield)

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Fastest Lap2011[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Honda1'38.850153.5 km/h
Circuit Record2011[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Honda1'39.807152.1 km/h
Best Pole2011[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Honda1'38.850153.5 km/h
Top Speed2009[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Honda323.9 km/h
Fastest Lap2011[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Suter1'44.038145.9 km/h
Circuit Record2011[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Suter1'44.329145.5 km/h
Best Pole2011[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Suter1'44.038145.9 km/h
Top Speed2011[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]FTR281.9 km/h
Fastest Lap2010[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Derbi1'48.124140.4 km/h
Circuit Record2011[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Aprilia1'48.380140.0 km/h
Best Pole2010[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Derbi1'48.124140.4 km/h
Top Speed2009[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]Aprilia237.7 km/h


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- Jonas Folger remplace Alberto Moncayo chez Aspar (Kalex KTM)
- Alberto Moncayo trouve refuge chez le Team Machado, appelé "Andalucia JHK LaGlisse" à la place d'Ivan Moreno
- Alex Marquez remplace Simone Grotskyj chez Ambrogio Next Racing (Suter Honda)
- Armando Pontone remplace Folger chez Ioda
- Hector Faubel devra bien faire à Indy car sa place chez Aspar est lorgnée par l'Allemand Luca Amato (CEV) qui aura l'âge de faire des GP dès Brno...
- Bref, le jeu des chaises musicale s'accélère, en fonction des manques de budget et de résultats.

Le point au championnat: Cortes VS Vinales...

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- Suter apporte les châssis pré-2013 utilisé en test à Portimao pour Marquez et Luthi. Ceux-ci facilitent l'entrée en virage.
- Marcel Schrotter remplace Angel Rodriguez/Massimo Roccoli sur la Bimota du team SAG
- Jordi Torres remplace Toni Elias chez Aspar
- Grace au soutien de quelques intervenants français, Mike Dimeglio reste chez MZ pour au moins deux courses
- Tommy Aquino était inscrit en Wild Card mais a essuyé un refus de son team mardi soir (Fogi Racing, FTR)

La situation au championnat: ça bataille sévère....... derrière Marquez!

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- Toni Elias sera à nouveau chez Pramac pour un éventuel remplacement d'Hector Barbera mais ce dernier a annoncé mardi qu'il allait courir.
- Steve Rapp sera à nouveau Wild Card avec la Attack Performance malgré sa non-qualification à Laguna Seca.
- Autre Wild Card, Aaron Yates pilotera la CRT de [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] à moteur Suzuki
- Colin Edwards conserve sa BMW Suter pour cette manche. Et après?
- Julian Simon pourrait à terme remplacer Ivan Silva chez Avintia Blusens.

La situation au championnat; c'est qui le patron?
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Bridgestone slick compounds available: Front: Soft, Medium, Extra-hard. Rear: Medium, Hard
Bridgestone wet tyre compounds available: Hard (Main), Soft (Alternative)

The second of two races taking place on American soil this season will be held this Sunday at one of the most revered motorsport venues in the world, the legendary Indianapolis Motor Speedway, whose distinctive layout places significant demands on Bridgestone MotoGP™️ tyres.

The Indianapolis circuit comprises three distinct parts; the renowned oval which forms the main straight, the opening complex and turns seven and eight built specifically for MotoGP™️, and the rest of the infield which was constructed for when the circuit held Formula One races. Large sections of the circuit were resurfaced last year, resulting in more consistent grip levels, while some undulations on the tarmac that caused the bikes to behave erratically in corners were also removed.

After revising its tyre severity ratings for each circuit, Bridgestone will now supply special construction asymmetric rear slick tyres in the medium and hard compounds at Indianapolis to manage the very high tyre temperatures the 1000cc MotoGP™️ machines are expected to generate around this circuit. The circuit’s abrasive tarmac and counter-clockwise layout with its fast and frequent left handers makes it one of the hardest events of the season for the left shoulder of the rear tyres; hence asymmetric rear tyres with considerably harder rubber on the left shoulders are supplied. The abrasive Indy track also means the extra-hard compound front slick is included in the tyre allocation alongside the soft and medium compounds.

Hiroshi Yamada - Manager, Bridgestone Motorsport Department

“It is always a pleasure to visit Indianapolis as the motorsport culture here is very strong and the whole city gets behind the Grand Prix with many events taking place over the weekend. The venue itself is quite unique with elements of three different eras incorporated into the circuit and it is a challenge for both riders and tyres. Perhaps due to its particular layout, Indy is a race where the result is always hard to predict with four different winners and seven different riders making the podium since the race was included on the calendar four years ago.

“Apart from the regular MotoGP roster there will be two extra riders in action at Indy. Steve Rapp will once again be riding the Attack Performance-Kawasaki CRT entry, while Aaron Yates will debut the GPTech-Suzuki CRT machine so I expect even greater interest in this race from the American fans this weekend. To give these wildcard riders the best possible preparation for the coming weekend, our race engineers were on hand to assist both teams in a test at the Indianapolis circuit that took place on Saturday.”

Shinji Aoki - Manager, Bridgestone Motorsport Tyre Development Department

“Indianapolis is split into three sections; the sectors from turns one to four and turns seven and eight were designed for MotoGP, the rest of the infield is part of the old F1 circuit, while the main straight is part of the world-famous oval course. This causes the character of the circuit to vary in each section, though a resurfacing last year has made the grip levels more consistent across the whole course. The circuit’s layout causes very high tyre temperatures through the high-speed left-hand corners, so asymmetric rear slicks with much harder rubber on the left shoulder are required here to provide the necessary durability and grip for the race distance, while ensuring good warm-up and grip characteristics on the lesser used right shoulder of the rear tyre.

“This year we have revised our rear tyre compounds for Indy and have gone one step softer with both options, with the medium and hard asymmetric rear slicks being supplied. Additionally, the rear slicks for this circuit now feature the same special heat-resistant construction as those provided at Mugello, Sachsenring and Phillip Island. Our compound selection for the front slick tyres also changes this year, with the soft, medium and extra-hard options now being made available to provide riders with a front tyre option for every kind of track condition.”

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Dunlop goes to Indy

Dunlop’s Moto2 tyres head to the good ol’ US of A when and the motorsport Mecca of Indianapolis for the tenth round of the Moto2 World Championship, the Red Bull Indianapolis Grand Prix on August 17-19.

Banking and Infield

For the MotoGP event Indianapolis – world renowned for the Indianapolis 500 Indycar race – features an anti-clockwise circuit made up of sections of the banked oval track combined with an infield section. Despite its fame for four wheeled motorsport, Indianapolis also has a strong two wheel history, with the first motorsport race taking part at the venue being a motorcycle race in 1909.

MotoGP has raced at the circuit since 2008, and the banked turns, different track surfaces and the potential high track temperatures in which they can bake provides a real test for the tyre manufacturer’s art.

Special Allocation

The Group E Specials combo of the W919 asymmetric dual compound tyre and 3838 hard compound will be employed. The W919 makes its second appearance of the year after being used at the Sachsenring, and is an asymmetric dual compound tyre incorporating two core compounds. Both compounds offer good heat retention with the objective of not getting too hot or too cold during running and enabling grip when required even from the lesser used and cooler side of the tyre.

The 3838 is the harder option core compound which gives riders the confidence to open the throttle early out of the apex as well as having good resistance to abrasion and wear. Both rear tyres are in the ATR05 construction and are joined by the season-familiar front allocation of the 717 and 302 compounds.

Dunlop’s Moto2 Operations Manager, Clinton Howe:

“The Indianapolis Motor Speedway is a particularly interesting venue for the tyre engineer for many reasons. There are three different types of track surface over the course of a lap – or four if you include the Yard of Bricks across the start-finish straight – and the tyres grip these surfaces differently meaning they need to give good feedback for the rider to be able to extract maximum confidence.

“We can see very high track temperatures in Indianapolis which can have detrimental effects on the rear tyre grip levels, which is something riders and engineers will be watching for. The track layout holds interest too, with banking in some corners and negative camber in others.

“Ten left-hand corners and six right-handers mean more work for the left hand side of the tyre, so the W919 features a harder compound on the left and softer compound on the right – allowing riders to enjoy the best of both worlds: Long-lasting endurance on the frequently-used left, plus instant grip on the lesser used right.

“The track surface from turn 5 to turn 11 was resurfaced for last year’s event and will have changed since being very new and abrasive last year. There are still some unknowns to Indy and its surface and using a similar tyre allocation to last season means we can make as close a comparison as possible to assist with set-up for the riders and analysis for the data.”

Moto2 Rider Quote: Pol Espargaro, Pons 40 HP Tuenti, Kalex:

“Indianapolis is a track I love and some of my best memories as a rider, such as my first World Cup victory with a 125cc in 2010 and my first podium in Moto2, a year ago and after a very poor start to my season. In Indy I’ve always been on the podium, with a first and two second places, and I hope this year things will not change. It is a technical circuit, with curves linked and where you have to get a very specific set-up for quick changes in direction and in the long straight with a bit of camber. At first sight it seems very difficult, and there are some traps for the rider meaning it’s not easy to go fast.

Last year the asphalt was new and the first day it was very slippery. It was necessary to be careful with the gas. And it’s a different asphalt from that seen in Europe, as it wears out the tyres quickly and you must pay attention to keep them performing well till the end of the race. We’ll have to work with the suspension to have good grip but also keep the tyre life as long as possible. I’m happy with the performance of Dunlop’s tyres this year.”

Moto2 Rider Quote: Dominique Aegerter, Technomag CIP, Suter:

“I like Indianapolis. It’s a great mix of corners with a long straight, fast corners and probably what is the slowest corner of the championship. This makes the choice gearing very difficult, which influences the tyre use as you need to be able to both accelerate out of and manage traction out of a very slow hairpin, but also deal with the lateral grip demands in the long curves. The tyres have a lot of work to do! They need to give a very good edge grip to exit the slower corners, and give good consistency for long banked corners. I have a very good feeling from the Dunlop tyres, especially with the latest front tyre profile. I achieved a good lap time at Indianapolis, and the surrounding area is great, so I’m looking forward the race.”

Moto2 Tyre Allocation: Indianapolis

Front Moto2 slicks per rider

120/75R17 Moto2: 4 x 302, 4 x 717

Rear Moto2 slicks per rider

195/75R17 Moto2: 5 x 3838 (ATR05), 4 x W919 (ATR05)

Wet Moto2 tyres per rider

3 x Front 125/80R17 KR191 414 (4 tyres allocated if all practice sessions are wet).

3 x Rear 190/55R17 KR393 414 (4 tyres allocated if all practice sessions are wet).

Moto3 Tyre Allocation: Indianapolis

Front Moto3 slicks per rider

95/75R17 Moto3: 5 x Medium, 3 x Hard

Rear Moto3 slicks per rider

115/70R17 Moto3: 6 x Medium, 3 x Hard

Wet Moto3 tyres per rider

3 x 95/70R17 KR189 WB (4 tyres allocated if all practices are wet).

3 x 115/70R17 KR389 WB (4 tyres allocated if all practices are wet).

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Notre Jacky H national devrait être en cabine pour un GROS weekend!

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 4111782762

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 771973

14h45 Grand Prix des Etats-Unis à Lacuna Seca - Course MotoGP (30mn)
15:15 Essais Moto 3 (45mn) LIVE
16:00 Essais Moto GP (1h) LIVE

19h05 FP2 Moto3 (55min) LIVE
20h00 FP2 MotoGP (1h) LIVE
21h00 FP2 Moto2 (1h) LIVE

00h50 Essais Moto GP (1h)

16h00 FP3 Moto GP (1h) LIVE

21h00 QP Moto2 (1h) LIVE

23h30 QP MotoGP (1h)

00:30 QP Moto 3 (45mn)
01:15 QP Moto2 (45mn)

03h00 QP Moto2 (1h)
04h00 QP MotoGP (1h)

16h55 Course Moto3 (1h05mn) sur Eurosport2 LIVE
18h00 Course Moto2 (2h) LIVE
20h00 Course MotoGP (1h30) LIVE
21h30 Course Moto3 (30min)

Dernière édition par Marc le Mer 15 Aoû 2012 - 12:02, édité 9 fois
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Nombre de messages : 28163
Age : 66
Localisation : Villiers sur Marne (94)
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2008

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Aoû 2012 - 10:45

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Nombre de messages : 28163
Age : 66
Localisation : Villiers sur Marne (94)
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2008

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Aoû 2012 - 16:15

J'ai un scoop! [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 72689

A Indy, Pedrosa sera sur une toute nouvelle Honda dont, à coup sûr, on peut être quasi certain qu'elle lui permettra de rattraper son retard sur Lorenzo!

A première vue, elle semble assez révolutionnaire.

Vous voulez voir la photo?

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262
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Nombre de messages : 12435
Age : 47
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Date d'inscription : 30/10/2008

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Aoû 2012 - 17:22

Non ! [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 570102
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Nombre de messages : 28163
Age : 66
Localisation : Villiers sur Marne (94)
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2008

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Aoû 2012 - 17:25

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 998726


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Plus sérieux.

Carlos Perez à Alex Briggs: Alex, was vale's bike repaired already or is that on the to-do list?
Alex Briggs : To Do! We pulled some of the wrecked parts from the crashed bike then put it in the crate & sent it here. So we have a bit to do.

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Dernière édition par Marc le Mar 14 Aoû 2012 - 19:54, édité 2 fois
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[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Aoû 2012 - 17:28

On n'est pas le 1er Avril [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 55116
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[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Aoû 2012 - 18:22

Q&A with Colin Edwards & Nicky Hayden Nicky Hayden Ducati Corse MotoGp
« on: Today at 08:58:56 am »
Reply with quoteQuote
By Jensen Beeler

Late last week, Indianapolis Motor Speedway held a teleconference with MotoGP riders Colin Edwards and Nicky Hayden, helping gear us up for this coming weekend’s Indianapolis GP. We couldn’t make the call, since I was busy freezing my ass off on some mountain in Colorado, but the good folks at IMS were kind enough to transcribe the interview, and share it with us.

With the teleconference taking place just before the announcement that Valentino Rossi would be leaving Ducati at the end of the season, and joining Jorge Lorenzo at Yamaha, Hayden had to field a couple questions regarding the 2012 MotoGP Silly Season and his teammate for next year. Of course, Hayden also fielded questions about Audi’s Lamborghini’s acquisition of Ducati, and how that would affect Ducati Corse’s MotoGP efforts.

The interview sheds some good insight into what is happening with Colin Edwards at the NGM Forward Racing team, which has struggled with its BMW/Suter CRT package all season. Forward Racing is expected to make a switch to an Aprilia ART bike at Indy, which so far has been the most competent CRT package on the 2012 grid, and the topic the CRTs vs the Prototypes is one Edwards talks about at length. Perhaps most interesting is Edwards’ take on the American road racing landscape, and the geopolitical issues within the MotoGP paddock.

MODERATOR: You have made no secret about the package that you have for the CRT bike that you have this year. You guys have struggled with the electronics and other various elements of the bike, and you guys keep chipping away and chipping away. But you did test some other bikes after the race at Mugello last month. Any news on the equipment from at Indy for you guys?

COLIN EDWARDS: Damn, how do you know about all this? All this is supposed to be a secret? (Laughter) No, right now I don’t know. Obviously we have what we have, make due with what we got, and there might be something at Brno. Honestly, I haven’t had any contact with the guys, and I don’t know if we are 100 percent this way or that way. So for the moment, we are with a BMW-Suter, and we are going to go racing.

MODERATOR: Indy is a unique circuit in that it has the long straightaway and which clearly favors the prototype and their extra horsepower. But it is pretty tight in the infield, which could probably give you CRT guys, which are using the production-based engines, maybe a chance to stay in the front. How do you see Indy on a CRT bike? It is a great unknown, because they haven’t run there yet. Do you see that as a circuit that maybe the CRT bikes could run closer to the prototypes?

EDWARDS: I have yet to be at a track where the CRT bikes work better anywhere than the prototypes. You know, to answer your question, I don’t know. At Laguna, honestly, the bike felt pretty good. The lap times were slow; all the CRT bikes were slow. All the lap times were slow, and when you have a short lifetime like that, I mean, it is the first time in my career that I got lapped. From 4 years old, obviously, I am not in the same spec of bikes as the leader, but that was kind of heartbreaking, to be honest with you. Indy, on the other hand, I don’t know. We are just going to have to go and see how far off we are, do the math, ride our ass off and see what happens.

Q: I just wanted to find out if you have figured out what your plans are for next season? Are you going to be back on a prototype bike next year or if you will remain in MotoGP? I just wanted to see what the plans are?

EDWARDS: Yeah, at the moment, I can’t answer that. You can imagine that I got everything from a two-year deal with these guys. If we can or if it is possible to get a prototype under us or a CRT route, you know, I have even thrown out the idea of let’s go Superbike racing. At the moment, I am with these guys, and we will see what it comes to.

Q: Someone, maybe me, suggested to you that it would be great to see you in World Superbike next year. I didn’t get to hear the response was, why don’t you tell everybody.

EDWARDS: I don’t know if I heard what my response was. Did I have a beer before I said that? I get this question about World Superbike. But you know how long I was there, been there and done it. And it is definitely a possibility: That is all I can say. I don’t know, I don’t know. I like the team where I am at, and I love the team that I am working with, and the team is one of the best teams that I have ever worked for. We will just have to try and make it work, somehow, some way.

Q: How important is winning now in your career?

EDWARDS: Yeah, it would be nice to win again. I am not going to lie to you. You know, it would be nice to know that you line up on the grid and that you have every chance possible to win as the next guy. That is the way my DNA is programmed.

Q: I have a few different things for you, but the first one is something a Speedway official told me about. It seems to be a badge of honor with you guys, and it is this arm-pump situation. It seems you haven’t been initiated as a motorcycle racer until you have had arm-pump surgery. Can you tell me about it?

EDWARDS: The arm-pump surgery, yes. On your forearm you kind of have a sheath, let’s say that kind of encapsulates everything, and when your muscle expands, it pretty much cuts the blood circulation off and it gets pumped up and it gets too thick for the blood to flow. I blew mine out a long time ago; I mean, you can do it naturally by working too hard or lifting something or whatever it does. I went to the doctor to go have the surgery when I was climbing a lot, and I thought I was getting arm pump, which I was. But come to find out I didn’t need it. I found out I was just working my arms too much, and I went to the doctor, and he said, ‘You don’t need it.’ You have already blown it out. So the doctor said to stop climbing and you will be fine, which I was.

Q: Everybody seems to have to get this at some point?

EDWARDS: Yeah, obviously the bigger the bikes, the heavier the bikes are and the harder you are going to work. It is a good thing, I have seen guys do it, and they have had the surgery and now they just don’t have arm pump at all. So it works and it leaves nasty scars if you have the wrong doctor, but, you know, chicks kind of dig scars. It is what it is, I guess.

Q: I know from talking to you over the years that this is a dangerous sport and you guys get beat up all the time, anyway.

EDWARDS: Yeah, exactly. You have scars all over your body when you are done here.

Q: Regarding this track, I know someone has expressed some optimism after the Brickyard race that those GRAND-AM cars running on the road course that it might wear in some of that asphalt a little better. Do you have any thoughts about running here this year?

EDWARDS: Man, to be honest, I haven’t really even thought about it. I think we were all pretty pleased with it last year. Yeah, even better if they are running it in and laying some rubber down. Even better. Sometimes we go to tracks where cars have been, and it is the wrong kind of rubber, and it just turns into ice when you put motorcycle rubber on it.

Q: Everybody is pleased but Casey Stoner?

EDWARDS: Oh, yeah. You are going to take that up with him.

Q: When we spoke earlier in the year at Sepang, you were a bit optimistic about the formula and you were a bit down on prototypes. Now it seems to have turned around some. Was there a point at which you sort of changed your thinking about the whole concept?

EDWARDS: Well, whenever you see the prototypes getting faster and faster, and they are just getting further and further away from us. When we first started this gig in Malaysia, we were three seconds off the pace or 2.8 – whatever that numbers was – our thinking was that number would come down, and our development schedule isn’t nearly what the prototype guys are. And that gap has only gotten bigger. A lot of the stuff that we were conned into let’s say, we were going to have a new chassis every other week and blah, blah, blah, and you know the rest of the story. It just really hasn’t come to fruition. The gap is just getting bigger at the moment.

Q: Where do you think the CRT bikes are suffering most? There is talk of a spec ECU coming in from (20)14 or (20)15. Is the electronics your biggest problem or is it the chassis?

EDWARDS: My biggest problem is from the starting line to the last corner and everything in between. Our biggest problem is that you put it all together. Engine, everybody has gone to this big-bang or V or a cross-plane crank, and it is more tractable power. It is just more common sense for racing. So we have strike one there. Chassis, I feel we are way rigid, the bike is too small. Strike two. Electronics, yes. The system we are on, my 2003 Aprilia had that on it and had better electronics than what I am on now. So strike three. It’s everything. I can’t sit here and point the finger at one thing, and say, ‘Well, if we had that we would be 10 times better.’ It’s everything. Electronics, yes, they have a habit, if the electronics work, you can kind of get everything else to work, chassis, engine wear. If your electronics are wrong, you can’t even get a feel for the chassis. And that is kind of where we are at.

Q: Do you think there is talk of a spec ECU for both the prototype and the CRT bike. Do you think having that level playing field where everyone is just playing with maps instead of traction control, fuel strategies or whatever? Do you think that would make a big difference or will the prototypes just cream everyone?

EDWARDS: Well, let me explain something. I have heard this spec ECU and spec ECU coming up, but it is impossible. For me, it is impossible to have one spec ECU to run on a cross-plane, inline four-cylinder, a V4 or all these different configurations of engines. They have different power characteristics, anyway. So we always play with the butterflies and the electronics to smooth out that power. So how are you going to field one spec ECU for all these different engines? Somebody is going to have an advantage right off the bat. And then you are going to change your engine to accommodate the ECU. So I don’t really buy it. A spec ECU with all of these different engines, I just don’t see it working.

Q: And yet the Ducati and the Yamaha, which are very different, both running Magneti Marelli, isn’t that a spec ECU already?

EDWARDS: OK, the ECU itself and all that crap in the ECU, there are so many different parameters. That is where all your time is, adjusting this and adjusting that. With Honda’s system and Suzuki’s old system, they change over, great. Let’s see what happens.

Q: Are your engine and electronics built in house or are they currently outsourced?

EDWARDS: My engines come to my knowledge, we bought a package from Suter, and Suter bought a package from BMW. So BMW sends the engines from Suter and directly from factory to factory, let’s say. They put it in, and we get the package. It is webbing it altogether, and we get the final product. As far as I know, we have nothing in house, in team house, let’s say.

Q: Do you have any idea if your engine spec is similar to let say, Melandri in World Superbike?

EDWARDS: I have talked to BMW, and we have got the same/same or maybe the crank. That might be a little bit different. But at the end of the day, they own the electronics that they have been developing for the last four years, so that seemed to work. Where we have been developing this Bosch system for a few months, and it still doesn’t work.

Q: As far as the chassis, have you spent much time changing your body position, say, more sitting in the bike, as opposed to sitting on it.

EDWARDS: The bike feels so small. It feels like you are sitting up on top of it. We have pulled the whole seat pad panel that was on the cushion; I just pulled it off. I will deal with my knees and legs later in life, but for now I need to get into the bike, and I am a little crunched up in the lower half, but it feels a lot better and I feel more in the bike.

MODERATOR: Most of the people on the panel are well aware of your Texas Tornado Boot Camp down on the outskirts of Houston. Folks come in for a long weekend or a week and have a good time, ride, drink a few beers, sit around the campfire and tell stories. But you have some special guests this week. This is no ordinary session.

EDWARDS: This is no ordinary Boot Camp. Yes, we have a lucky 11 or 12 that have paid to come and enjoy and some training and teaching, but at the same time we have Jorge Lorenzo, and Ricky Cardus from Moto2, Bradley Smith from Moto2, Randy Krummenacher from Moto2, Tommy Aquino, Dustin Dominguez. I don’t want to forget anybody. Yes, we have some big names here, and it is going to be fun. I can’t wait; it will be an exciting weekend coming.

MODERATOR: Now is this Jorge’s first time to Texas?

EDWARDS: Yes, his first time in Texas. He got off the plane and said he felt like he landed in Malaysia. It’s 100 degrees here and humid as hell. For those of you that want to see pictures this weekend, you can always follow me @TexasTornado5 or @Lorenzo99 on Twitter, and we will be updating quite often with some pictures.

MODERATOR: What unique bits of Texas are you going to give Jorge at the camp this weekend?

EDWARDS: We have barbecue, and we will figure out some way to turn his gas off when he isn’t looking and he can peter out during the Superpole lap or something like that. That is kind of the initiation around here. We will figure that out on the fly. I initiated him to Texas golf this morning. I said: ‘Hey, get up. It’s 6:30, and we are going to play golf,’ and he said: ‘That’s too early. I don’t normally go to sleep until then.’ And then a couple hours in, he said, ‘Let’s just do nine. I can’t do 18; it is just too hot.”

MODERATOR: There is talk next year of there being three races in the United States with Laguna, Indy and a race down in Texas. What does it mean to you as an American to see the growth of this sport compared to say when you first came in the World Championship in 2003, there were no American rounds? Laguna didn’t come back until 2005, and now 11 years later, there might be three. Talk about the growth of MotoGP in America.

EDWARDS: You know, this might now be the most politically correct answer to your question but honestly, I think it awesome. The merrier, the more I get to hang around my house and my family and do what I love to do. That is awesome and the scary part of that question is the growth part. Are we growing? Yes, we are, but I am not sure that we are selling a lot more motorcycles than we were 10 or 15 years ago or if we are even selling them at all. But the reality is when we were at Mugello, the decline in attendance and I know that no one has any money to buy a ticket. But at the end of the day, that is Rossi’s home track, and it is normally nuts, and this year kind of scared me, to be honest with you. I was like, ‘Where did everybody go?’ I would much rather see Mugello wide open just because that is the heart of MotoGP racing, and that was just scary to me to see that and I don’t know why. I don’t know if it is economy or whatever.

Q: The question about three races in America reminded me of something. Mugello Saturday in the press conference, we had five Spaniards the front row of the MotoGP and the two pole sitters in Moto 3 and Moto2. And things are not looking very hopeful to follow you and Nicky and Ben, maybe in MotoGP. Where do you see the next great American road racer coming from?

EDWARDS: That is a good question. Give me 10 years because I am training my boy right now. Man, I don’t know. I know that we have little Joe Roberts from Houston, great kid. We have some young kids around that are running local, Dustin Dominguez. I don’t know; I just don’t know. I was just talking to Jorge this morning and Cardus, and they were talking about a little training camp that they have in Spain, that Jorge’s dad has, and they have 5- and 6-year-old kids on pocket bikes running full schools. It’s that Tiger Woods routine, and that is starting them on a bike as soon as they can walk and roll with it. I know that we have that here; that is what I did. But I am not sure how many kids are getting that opportunity at 3 or 4 years old to get out and do what they want to do, which is go ride.

Q: To me, the problem seems to be not so much the talent but the clearly faster Americans out there. There was a whole host of them that came over, but they seem to have all gone home and are racing Supersport or the Daytona Sport in the AMA. How do we keep Americans in the series? Do you have any ideas?

EDWARDS: You can ask Nicky on this and don’t quote me, but for the first time that I remember he was in the right place at the right time and had the right passport. Obviously he is doing a great job for Ducati, but there was talk about maybe Cal or keeping Valentino. But this is Ducati’s biggest market, and they need an American rider, and you don’t ever hear that usually. It is normally we need to have a Spanish rider and a Japanese rider on the bike. He had the right passport in this game, and it was a good play for him to have an American passport.

MODERATOR: Welcome, Nicky, and thanks for joining us today. What about the IMS circuit suits your style? You have finished on the podium here on two very different motorcycles. One was a traditional frame in the Honda and one was a carbon-fiber frame Ducati. What about Indy just kind of jives with the way you ride?

NICKY HAYDEN: Well, unfortunately those results have been a few years ago. The last couple years, I haven’t really been able to put up a big fight. I like Indy, I like a track to go left, I prefer. Indy is a great example. It is a track built for cars mostly, and I grew up doing left, and most Europeans grew up going right. I don’t think it is a big difference, but I do like going left, and I have had some good opportunities there, and I don’t really think about that. I look forward to this year and try to put up a good fight.

MODERATOR: How much difference did the new asphalt make last year for you guys?

HAYDEN: It was a big difference. The old track wasn’t too bad, but there were a few spots that were getting pretty bad. It made the track a lot more fun and a lot more fast, and I think it opened up a few places where we can pass. Last year, the track was really rough on tires, and the surface was new and was quite abrasive. But I think with a year on the track, it should be better and be the best that we have ever seen the track.

MODERATOR: We also had rubber laid down on the road course last month with the GRAND-AM cars, and that is the first time that you guys had been there with rubber actually laid down on the road course. It used to be that you guys with the bikes were the only vehicles that raced on it since 2008, so the extra rubber that has been laid down has got to help, too.

HAYDEN: Yes, for sure, to clean it up and get some of the dirt off of it. When you first laid down new pavement, it is natural that it will be sharp and be kind of gritty, but when the tires go around it and start smoothing those edges down and you can certainly have a better grip and less wear on the tires. We will see how it is, and we use a bit different line than those cars, especially going the other way, so we will have to feel it out and see how the grip is. But I don’t expect any problems.

Q: I was talking to Colin about the arm pump surgery, and I never knew this stuff existed, and I know that you have had it. Could you talk about how that is like a rite of passage for you guys? It seems like everybody gets it, and Colin said you have to be careful who does it or else you get nasty scars. How is your scar?

HAYDEN: I have got a pretty lengthy scar. So I actually had it done twice. Definitely arm pump is kind of weird, it comes and goes. And is not any clear reason to what has caused it. You can have it at one track and not at another, it can be bike-related, training-related. It doesn’t take much to trigger when you are hold on to a 250-horsepower bike and fighting it, especially with these carbon brakes now. We can brake so hard, and the force, especially on the right hand, is a lot. But at the moment, mine is under control, so I don’t want to talk about it too much.

Q: The one follow-up I had is since you jumped on the Indian and wore that old racing garb way back when, you kind of have been the spokesman and the front man for promoting this race at IMS. Do you still feel that way even though the results may not have been the way that you would have wanted? Do you still feel like a guy that wants to be the ambassador for promoting this race?

HAYDEN: Oh, I would say so. Of course, MotoGP promotes itself. It is the show, not me. But it is my home race. Laguna is an American round, but my true home race, I have to consider Indy. It is only three hours away, just across the bridge, so a lot more of my friends and family come to the race, and I grew up racing a lot in Indiana. Dirt tracks and even road racing there, so I consider it much more my home. I do enjoy and I do feel some obligation to promote the race and give back to here and there. But once I get there, it is business as usual, and I cannot change my routine too much.

Q: Just wanted to ask you now that you are signed with Ducati next year if you might be able to give an idea of what teams or series you were considering or had been talking to you while you were negotiating?

HAYDEN: Well, my main objective was always to stay in MotoGP. It is the pinnacle of our sport, and that is where I wanted to be and hang in there and hopefully get back to the front. So, of course, I wasn’t ready and I didn’t know how negotiations were going to go and did have a bit of interest from some other series. But it was nothing that excited me. It was something that I would consider if it got down to it, but I was going to ride something and I wasn’t just going to come home and ride the couch just yet. I wanted to do everything possible to stay in MotoGP and it had to get worked out.

Q: The Ducati’s have a tough time this year; there is no secret to that, but do you have hopes that perhaps this season or going into next year they will find a combination that works and give you a chance to win again? If that is the case, what kind of changes do you think they need to make to give you a competitive motorcycle?

HAYDEN: Of course I believe that, or I certainly wouldn’t have agreed to come back for another year. I believe we have the pieces and the resources and certainly this year we just haven’t made it happen. I see a lot of effort going in, but Laguna wasn’t a great weekend for us. We struggled a lot going in, and before that we came from Mugello, where I would say me and Valentino, I would say we as a team had out best dry race that we have had in two years. So that was really encouraging. Every now and then, we catch a little hope and see a little light, and we think now things are going in that direction. Right now, there isn’t a lot that we can do, but after summer break we have a test in Misano after the Czech Republic race, and there we are going to try a few things. And we have some difference chassis parts coming in later in the season, and I certainly believe in this team and believe in this bike. And I think they have done it before, and there is no reason why they can’t do it again. We have been off a bit, but if everything comes right, certainly there is no reason why Ducati can’t be completely competitive in MotoGP or in any series.

Q: 1000cc Ducati bike at Indy, how fast is that thing going to go? Top speed?

HAYDEN: Top speed, I can’t quite put a number on it, but it is definitely going to be faster than the 800 there. Especially off of last corner out of Turn 4 (of oval, Turn 16 of road course), slower corner is where these bikes accelerate a lot more than the 800s. At Laguna, the fans there, I would say they didn’t really see a big difference because the turns there are so tight and so slow to where we are in second gear at half-throttle. But here on the front straight we will be able to open them up. I don’t think we will be able to see Mugello speeds. Mugello was pretty high, even Mugello wasn’t as high on Dorna’s radar as on the data. The way the beam and everything is set, they don’t always get the outright speed so our data is even a little faster than Mugello. So, I am sure, Indy we are going to be pretty quick down the front straightaway, well over 200.

Q: Any news on any possible siblings of yours racing MotoGP at Indy?

HAYDEN: Yes, there was some talk. Especially, me and Vito (Guareschi) had talked at Laguna about Rog (Roger Lee Hayden) riding (Hector) Barbera’s bike because he didn’t have a contact with the manufacturer. I know there was some discussion, and there has still been a bit of discussion, to be honest, about Indy, but I don’t think any answer had been made. But there has definitely been some talk.

Q: Enjoying the break?

HAYDEN: Yeah, it’s all right. It has been nice. It hasn’t exactly been like a vacation, but sure, being at home around my family has been nice. But Indy is probably the race that I look forward to the most. So I will be excited to ease on over to Indy on Wednesday to start the week.

Q: Have you had any more talk with the role in Audi may have to speed the bike up, to make it more competitive? Have you heard any more talk with people at Audi or at Ducati about what their role is going to be or how they may help develop the bike?

HAYDEN: No not completely, I spoke with Filippo (Preziosi) on Tuesday. So you know that is not going to happen overnight. That is going to take some time to bring in those resources, but definitely that is something that will happen. I just don’t know how quick, and I don’t have a real answer for you there.

Q: Are you more optimistic now that you know that Audi is back in?

HAYDEN: Absolutely. Audi is a great partner for Ducati, both financially and technically. If you have to be partnered with somebody, I see a strong company and something new and fresh, and that is one of the reasons I was so excited about coming back for another year and see what we can do. How quick it is going to change? I don’t know, really. That takes time, and that isn’t something that just a couple of engineers are going to show up and whatever. Like anything, it is going to take real work and real time, and I see it as a big positive for Ducati, for a race team, for everything.

Q: Have you mentioned chassis parts coming in down the road? Have you tested more than one chassis or have your tested more derivatives of the original chassis?

HAYDEN: The actual chassis from the start of Malaysia, I wouldn’t consider it that much testing because I was injured. But yes, I am using the same actual chassis that I started the season with. We have had some modifications to the chassis, some stiffness here, and we changed parts after Mugello, but the actual chassis is the same.

Q: Where are you in terms of engine wear this year?

HAYDEN: I am on schedule. It is a bit tight, but nothing that we can’t handle if we don’t have any problems, so I think I will be in another new engine soon. But at the moment, we are right on schedule for the mileage.

Q: There was some talk about a new spec engine for Laguna but, if I remember correctly, largely electronics. Any more talk about that?

HAYDEN: No. I did put in one new engine at Laguna, but the spec wasn’t much different. Maybe a few little parts had changed, but maybe later in the season this engine has the capability of putting updates to it. Once the engines are sealed, you can’t touch them. But with the new engines, you can add some parts to help with the electronic stuff. But what I raced with was very similar to what I have been running this year.

Q: I was wondering with all the changes you have made you are basically making a tenth here a tenth there, but you really aren’t in the fight for the win. Do you think you need a new chassis and a new engine? Some people say it isn’t the right shape or the right place to be truly competitive. Or do you think you can sort of phan-agle something that works?

HAYDEN: Well, I am a rider and I am not an engineer, so certainly I don’t try to overstep that. I can tell them it needs a new, but new is not always better. Especially midseason when you start throwing new parts at it. It doesn’t work normally that easy. Every now and then you can hit on something new, and it is automatically better. Normally when you bring in anything new, it takes time to make it work and adjust. It is hard to say. Last year we brought in new chassis and made big changes during the season, and I would say it hurt us. Things became confused. We lost track; we lost our way a bit. So it is clear that we need to do a big step. A tenth, two tenths isn’t going to help us. Usually I give my feedback to the engineers and whatever they say it needs. Of course, we have to fix out understeer, and we have to make it stiffer and better. Some of it could be caused from the engine. Whatever it takes to fix that, I would say it has to be fixed. We certainly need something modified with the chassis, but to say a complete new design, I am not sure. We have some ideas to change some weight distribution around, and already Valentino has tested that at Mugello, and it is one of the areas that we are working on.

Q: Are you going to tell us who your teammate is?

HAYDEN: No, I am not going to tell you because I don’t know. I haven’t really got caught up in it because it doesn’t change that much for me. I am sure I will find out a little before you guys, but not much.
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Nombre de messages : 28163
Age : 66
Localisation : Villiers sur Marne (94)
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2008

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Aoû 2012 - 19:08

Merci Jeff, mais n'oublie pas de citer la source (le site où tu l'as pris) même si c'est en anglais.

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 980796
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Nombre de messages : 204
Age : 40
Localisation : Loire Atlantique
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2011

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMar 14 Aoû 2012 - 23:54

Toni Elias va devoir attendre avant de remonter sur la ducati car Hector Barbera roulera ce week end.

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Nombre de messages : 28163
Age : 66
Localisation : Villiers sur Marne (94)
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2008

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Aoû 2012 - 3:11

Merci, j'actualise.

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 771973

Autre nouvelle, Tommy Aquino, qui venait de passer le week-end chez Edwards avec Lorenzo et qui devait être Wild Card pour le team américain Fogi vient d'essuyer un refus de ce dernier.

On n'en sait pas plus pour le moment...
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[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Aoû 2012 - 8:50

Marc a écrit:
Merci Jeff, mais n'oublie pas de citer la source (le site où tu l'as pris) même si c'est en anglais.

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 980796

Le nom du journaliste est cité. J’ai copié l’article du forum Irishroadracers. Apres recherches, voici le lien d’origine :
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Nombre de messages : 28163
Age : 66
Localisation : Villiers sur Marne (94)
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2008

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Aoû 2012 - 11:27

Merci. En fait il s'agit d'une téléconférence initiée par l'IMS media service, c'est à dire le service presse d'Indianapolis.

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 771973

Dernière édition par Marc le Mer 15 Aoû 2012 - 13:41, édité 1 fois
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chriss #333

chriss #333

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[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Aoû 2012 - 11:55

Les données Brembo sont disponible Marc ;-)

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Nombre de messages : 28163
Age : 66
Localisation : Villiers sur Marne (94)
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2008

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Aoû 2012 - 11:57

Merci les gars.
Au boulot!

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262
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adrien mototribu

adrien mototribu

Nombre de messages : 2602
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Date d'inscription : 11/11/2009

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Aoû 2012 - 14:56

le journal Bridge

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Nombre de messages : 28163
Age : 66
Localisation : Villiers sur Marne (94)
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2008

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Aoû 2012 - 15:30

Bravo Adrien: belle intégration de pdf!

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262
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Date d'inscription : 26/04/2010

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Aoû 2012 - 17:59

Marc a écrit:
Merci. En fait il s'agit d'une téléconférence initiée par l'IMS media service, c'est à dire le service presse d'Indianapolis.

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]

En fait l'itw provient du site après Laguna dans un ranch d'Edwards...., je l'ai lue la semaine suivante....[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]

Je rajoute que les pilotes experts en short track seront avantagés, ils controlent mieux leur glisse dans les virages à vise Hayden, Stoner principalement[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
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Nombre de messages : 20401
Age : 78
Localisation : ARGELIERS dans L'Aude
Date d'inscription : 14/08/2011

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Aoû 2012 - 18:13

Ce Week-End sur Eurosport on avoir droit à l' histoire de le traversée de la piste en pavés , ça encore c' est bien , mais quand il va commencer à énumérer le noms des ouvriers qui les ont posés ce sera indigeste [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262 [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262 [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262 [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262
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Nombre de messages : 897
Age : 37
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 15/08/2010

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Aoû 2012 - 19:40

EDOUARD Jean a écrit:
mais quand il va commencer à énumérer le noms des ouvriers qui les ont posés ce sera indigeste [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262 [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262 [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262 [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262

lol! lol! lol! lol!

Il faut bien reconnaitre ses qualités de documentaliste [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 771973
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Nombre de messages : 20401
Age : 78
Localisation : ARGELIERS dans L'Aude
Date d'inscription : 14/08/2011

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Aoû 2012 - 19:53

Cette fois , il a eu 3 semaines [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 771973 [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 771973 [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 771973
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adrien mototribu

adrien mototribu

Nombre de messages : 2602
Localisation : luberon
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2009

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Aoû 2012 - 19:57

Marc a écrit:
Bravo Adrien: belle intégration de pdf!

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262

oh yaisse [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 771973
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Nombre de messages : 20401
Age : 78
Localisation : ARGELIERS dans L'Aude
Date d'inscription : 14/08/2011

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Aoû 2012 - 10:29

Johann Zarco en partance pour Indianapolis dis qu' il y va pour faire un podium , pourquoi aux autres courses NON , heureusement , je déconne .
Johann fait nous plaisir , vous étes peu de Français , en GP , à nous faire plaisir , à dimanche avec la Marseillaise .
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chriss #333

chriss #333

Nombre de messages : 3526
Age : 42
Localisation : lons le saunier
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2011

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Aoû 2012 - 10:42

EDOUARD Jean a écrit:
Ce Week-End sur Eurosport on avoir droit à l' histoire de le traversée de la piste en pavés , ça encore c' est bien , mais quand il va commencer à énumérer le noms des ouvriers qui les ont posés ce sera indigeste [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262 [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262 [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262 [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262
[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 998726
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adrien mototribu

adrien mototribu

Nombre de messages : 2602
Localisation : luberon
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2009

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Aoû 2012 - 10:44

EDOUARD Jean a écrit:
Johann Zarco en partance pour Indianapolis dis qu' il y va pour faire un podium , pourquoi aux autres courses NON , heureusement , je déconne .
Johann fait nous plaisir , vous étes peu de Français , en GP , à nous faire plaisir , à dimanche avec la Marseillaise .

pour ceux qui comprennent l'italien c'est pas exactement cela... [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 809262

Sto giusto andando all'aeroporto e non vedo l'ora di essere a Indianapolis.

Nella pausa estiva mi sono goduto una settimana di relax ma sono anche subito tornato a girare sulla mia quattro tempi di serie.

Ho anche analizzato quanto fatto finora e cosa ci aspetta ancora nel proseguo di stagione.

Ora il mio obiettivo è di centrare il podio.

Al Mugello abbiamo visto che quando voglio posso riuscire a girare con quel passo, quindi adesso devo lavorare per essere concreto e concentrato come in Italia.

A Indianapolis non ho ancora ottenuto buoni risultati, quindi dovrò pensare bene alla gara e prepararla al meglio.

Ho riguardato la gara dello scorso anno e ho notato che le Moto2 scivolano molto perché l'asfalto è aggressivo sulle gomme, quindi con il team dovremo lavorare su questo aspetto e provare ad essere veloci in qualifica per una buona posizione in griglia, oltre a trovare un buon passo gara con la mia

son objectif pour la fin de la saison c'est le podium mais pas spécialement à Indianapolis
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chriss #333

chriss #333

Nombre de messages : 3526
Age : 42
Localisation : lons le saunier
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2011

[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012   [GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Aoû 2012 - 22:24

Intégralité de la conférence de presse (traduction approximative), 1ère partie:

Nous commençons par Jorge Lorenzo. Jorge, la pause estivale n'était pas si longue, bien sûr. Ici, vous êtes Indianapolis, une course importante, et vous avez toujours bien fait [you have a good record] ici, n'est-ce pas?

JORGE LORENZO [qui a pas capté la question ]: Oui, un record du monde,? Désolé, quel record?

MODERATEUR: Vos performances à Indianapolis.

LORENZO: Pour la dernière course - oui.

MODERATEUR: Désolé, pas le record du tour. Je voulais dire de bonnes performances ici, les résultats que vous avez eu ici. Trois podiums et la victoire.

LORENZO: C'est un record? (Rires)

MODERATEUR: Non, ce n'est pas un record. Mais ça pourrait être un record, en fait. Je ne suis pas sûr. Vous avez toujours bien fait ici.

LORENZO: Oui, en 2009 j'ai gagné. Au cours des deux dernières années, ça a été l'un de mes pires courses. Donc, pour le record, pour le moment, pas de nouveau record ici. (Rires)

MODERATEUR: Huit courses à disputer dans le Championnat du Monde, 23 points d'avance sur Dani, 32 points d'avance sur Casey. Vous êtes en bonne position mais je pense que Laguna Seca a montré que ça va encore être un combat difficile.

LORENZO: Oui, bien sûr, ça va être dur. Nous savons tous que Casey et Dani sont très forts cette année. Nous sommes aussi forts; beaucoup plus forts que l'année dernière. Nous avons été très réguliers, toujours dans les deux premiers. C'est notre principal point fort, c'est pourquoi nous sommes en tête du championnat.
Mais de toute façon il y a encore huit courses alors nous devons rester plus ou moins au même niveau si nous voulons être champion du monde parce que je ne vois pas Casey et Dani en dehors du podium à trop de courses jusqu'à la fin de la saison.

MODERATEUR: Et je pense que vous avez passé la semaine dernière ou quelques jours au camp d'entraînement de Colin Edwards. Est-ce que ça va vous aider en course?

LORENZO: Je l'espère. Je l'espère, mais je ne le pense pas. Je ne le pense pas. Ces motos sont juste pour s'amuser, juste pour maintenir la concentration et se retrouver en situation proche de la course, mais c'est très loin des sensations qu'on peut avoir sur la grosse moto.
Quoi qu'il en soit, c'était très amusant. J'ai beaucoup couru et je suis plus en forme qu'auparavant. Alors, bien sûr, ces semaines ont été positives pour nous, car normalement tous les pilotes sont en vacances.

MODERATEUR: Pendant la pause estivale il y a eu la nouvelle, bien sûr, que vous avez, non pas un nouveau coéquipier, mais un ancien coéquipier, Valentino Rossi qui va vous rejoindre chez Yamaha l'an prochain.

LORENZO: Oui, je pense que ça va être intéressant de voir comment nous pouvons nous comporter à nouveau Valentino et moi dans la même équipe et sur la même moto. Je suis très curieux de voir ce qui va se passer. Et pour moi, c'est un grand plaisir d'être à nouveau coéquipier avec lui.

MODERATEUR: Jorge, merci beaucoup.

A droite de Jorge, bien sûr, Casey Stoner. Actuellement troisième du Championnat du Monde. Casey vient de signer une très belle victoire à Laguna Seca et a remporté les trois dernières courses aux Etats-Unis. Comme je l'ai dit, 32 points entre vous et Jorge. Vous devez continuer à lui mettre la pression, n'est-ce pas?

CASEY STONER: Je pense que Jorge sait comment gérer la pression. Il a gagné beaucoup de championnats du monde, et il a piloté parfaitement cette saison. Nous avons pensé que sa saison 2010 était impressionnante et à mon avis cette saison l'est encore plus. Si ce n'était pour l'incident avec Bautista, et il avait une très bonne chance de gagner cette course, au moins d'être dans les deux premiers, il aurait été 1er ou 2è pour toute la saison.
Donc ça a été très difficile de faire mieux. Nous avons nos propres problèmes avec la moto que nous avons vraiment besoin de résoudre. Laguna est une bonne piste pour nous, car il tourne à gauche, et nous avons beaucoup moins de problèmes sur les circuits qui tournent à gauche. Donc, nous allons voir ce que nous pouvons faire ici, il tourne dans le bon sens pour nous. Mais, malheureusement, lorsque la piste tourne à gauche, on ignore en quelque sorte un grand nombre de problèmes qui sont créés lorsque nous tournons à droite. Nous devons donc nous assurer de rester concentrés, continuer à essayer d'améliorer la moto quand les choses deviennent un peu plus délicates en fin de saison, afin de pouvoir maintenir la pression. Mais nous avons encore un long chemin à parcourir. Nous avons perdu beaucoup de points dans un laps de temps très court, et ce uniquement par ma faute. Et ça va être difficile de rattraper tous ces points.

MODERATEUR: Il s'est passé beaucoup de choses durant la pause estivale. Vous n'avez pas changé d'état d'esprit au sujet de l'année prochaine?

STONER: Non. Vous savez, je pense que la pause estivale a encore plus confirmé que je veux être loin de l'univers de la course. Honnêtement, cette saison ça a été très difficile de trouver la motivation pour continuer, de continuer à pousser tout le temps. Il y a eu quelques courses où j'ai été un peu en baisse et je me bats pour trouver cette faim de victoires. Donc, je suis toujours avoir à essayer de la chasser et de la trouver quelque part. Ce n'est pas toujours facile. Donc, nous allons continuer à faire ce que nous avons à faire et essayer de régler certains des problèmes et voir si nous pouvons continuer à nous battre pour le championnat à la fin de l'année.

MODERATEUR: Mais vous êtes toujours le seul Champion du Monde sur la Ducati. Vous devez être très fier.

STONER: Honnêtement je ne m'intéresse pas aux statistiques et aux choses comme ça. Je pense que chaque pilote devraiit être à la recherche d'un peu de respect. Certains pilotes critiquent toujours les autres et des choses comme ça mais si le respect est mutuel, alors il n'y a pas de problème. Je pense que ce que nous avons fait avec Ducati était très bien, mais ce n'était pas que moi. C'était mon équipe, mes coéquipiers, tout le monde qui a aidé et effectivement contribué à cette moto. C'est décevant de voir les résultats qu'ils obtiennent en ce moment, mais j'espère les voir rebondir rapidement.

MODERATEUR: Casey, merci beaucoup.

A droite de Casey, bien sûr, Mesdames et Messieurs, Nicky Hayden. C'est vraiment une course à domicile pour vous, n'est-ce pas, Nicky? Avant on disait ça de Laguna, mais c'est vraiment votre course à domicile.

NICKY HAYDEN: Oui, bien sûr. Laguna est proche, mais cette course est celle que je considère ma course à domicile maintenant, étant juste en face de la frontière avec l'état du Kentucky. C'est génial de venir ici. Indy est un super circuit, surtout maintenant qu'il a été resurfacé. C'est beaucoup mieux. Donc, je l'attends avec impatience et j'espère un bon week-end. J'aime cette piste. ça ne sera pas facile, surtout avec ces gars-là devant qui vont si vite, mais j'espère que ce sera notre meilleur résultat de la saison.

MODERATEUR: Tout a bougé autour de vous, mais finalement, Laguna Seca, nouveau contrat, c'est fait. Vous pouvez vraiment vous concentrer maintenant.

HAYDEN: Oui, c'est bon de connaître son avenir, et je suis vraiment heureux d'être de retour avec Ducati. J'aime mon équipe, les gars avec qui je travaille là-bas, et je crois à notre potentiel. Ce n'est pas comme si Ducati n'avait jamais gagné auparavant. Nous avons gagné avant et, oui, nous attendons avec impatience les fruits du nouveau partenariat avec Audi. Je sais que ce sera difficile d'apporter des changements réels à court terme, mais c'est un moment excitant, et j'espère que ça va jouer pour nous à la fois en termes de ressources financières pour Ducati, mais aussi au niveau technique, il y a beaucoup de ressources là-bas. Donc ça devrait être quelque chose que nous pouvons utiliser à notre avantage et construire avec.

MODERATEUR: Vous dites que le court terme. Je pense que vous avez quatre 6ème places cette année. Pouvez-vous améliorer à partir de là? Huit courses de la fin, et elles viennent dans une courte période, n'est-ce pas?

HAYDEN: Oui, la moto, vous savez, de grands changements à ce point de la saison c'est difficile. Nous avons quelques trucs. Après Brno, nous allons tester à Misano, où on a des pièces à essayer. Avoir de grandes améliorations au cours de la saison c'est difficile, mais je pense que Mugello était clairement notre meilleur résultat - bien, pas le résultat, mais la course a été la meilleure course de l'année. Alors, oui, c'est dur, mais bien sûr, je pense que nous pouvons faire mieux que la sixième place.

MODERATEUR: Valentino va t'il vous manquer? Vous avez été coéquipiers à deux reprises, et il s'en va encore.

HAYDEN: Ouais. A vrai dire, oui. Nous avons eu une bonne relation. Je ne vais pas non plus en pleurer - mais oui, je veux dire, vous savez, aussi génial qu'il aurait été de voir Vale devant sur la Ducati, ça na pas qui s'est passé, jusqu'à maintenant. Donc, vous savez, il faut aller de l'avant et voir qui sera mon nouveau coéquipier. Mais j'ai apprécié être coéquipiers avec lui.
Bien sûr, nous avons eu quelques - pas beaucoup de bons moments, mais j'ai apprécié être coéquipier avec lui et c'est certainement quelqu'un que je respecte beaucoup. C'est bon de le voir rester en MotoGP et revenir avec un nouveau défi. Et, vous savez, aussi bon que ça aurait été pour le sport de le voir gagner sur la Ducati, lui devant sur n'importe quelle moto je pense que nous allons tous en bénéficier.

MODERATEUR: Nicky, merci beaucoup.
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[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012 Empty
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[GP] Indianapolis, 19 août 2012
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