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EDOUARD Jean, frank, momodedale, T54

Le record du nombre d'utilisateurs en ligne est de 588 le Jeu 26 Sep - 4:33
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» 125 Yamaha.
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 14:13 par T54

» Té que nique.
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 13:58 par Charly

» [Oldies] Quizz (30)
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[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 12:35 par jack177071

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[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeHier à 12:23 par EDOUARD Jean

» [Oldies] Chas Mortimer
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeMar 10 Déc - 21:14 par jack177071

» chromage décoratif
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeMar 10 Déc - 8:43 par Dan42

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[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeMar 10 Déc - 0:11 par jack177071

» Nouvelle 500 RD/LC, peut on y croire ?
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeLun 9 Déc - 20:14 par rudgissimo

» [Oldies] Des livres sur la course moto
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeLun 9 Déc - 16:30 par bubu

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» [Oldies] Monza 20 Mai 1973
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» [Oldies] GP de Paris , Rungis , 22 octobre 1972
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeVen 6 Déc - 10:33 par DidierF

» Roy Hesketh circuit
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Déc - 17:10 par DidierF

» [Oldies] Fergus, Geoff, Libero et les autres (vitesse 1946-1960)
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Déc - 17:08 par DidierF

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» [Oldies] Ontario 1972
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»  [WSBK] Infos 2025 .
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Déc - 9:27 par EDOUARD Jean

» [GP] Johann Zarco 
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Déc - 7:39 par EDOUARD Jean

inventaire moto side suzuki oldies francaises artisanales ROAD aprilia Mans RACING charade coupe wanted bourg motos 1973 yamaha bresse classic 1976 rouge zone fior ducati 2013
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[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting16[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting13[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting15 
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting16[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting13[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting15 
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting16[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting13[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting15 
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting16[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting13[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting15 
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting16[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting13[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting15 
yves kerlo
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting16[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting13[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting15 
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting16[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting13[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting15 
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting16[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting13[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting15 
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting16[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting13[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting15 
[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting16[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting13[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Voting15 
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 [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype

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6 participants

Nombre de messages : 38
Localisation : valencia
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2015

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Empty
MessageSujet: [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype   [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeMer 4 Mar - 7:50

I just introduce myself, and I want to show one of our works, a prototype moto3 competition in carbon fiber, made for university valence Florida (Spain) to participate in an international competition for engineering students.

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[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

I hope you like it, this year is our intention to make a version of 80cc 2 stroke
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Nombre de messages : 28163
Age : 66
Localisation : Villiers sur Marne (94)
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2008

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype   [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeMer 4 Mar - 7:55

Welcome on board!

Nice job!

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype 771973

Is it to participate to this?

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

And, of course, what is the weight of this frame? Very Happy

Un p'tit clik vaut mieux qu'une grande claque; c'est Harry qui l'a dit! [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
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Nombre de messages : 38
Localisation : valencia
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2015

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype   [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeMer 4 Mar - 8:10

Hi, thanks for your hospitality! the bike complete his weight was 72kg, the frame is 4kg and swingarm 2.5kg, but by regulation had to burden the bike over 20kg to participate in the MotoStudent, the result was a disaster, students took this project as a class examination. They left everything at the last minute! the bike was built from 0 to 2 months, so I get to Aragon without even starting the engine, and could not participate because of engine problems. Now it is my desire to develop this chassis in the category of 80cc which already participate.
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Nombre de messages : 28163
Age : 66
Localisation : Villiers sur Marne (94)
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2008

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype   [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeMer 4 Mar - 8:12

Ok, thanks for the answers.
I see that students are the same in France and Spain...
Very Happy

Un p'tit clik vaut mieux qu'une grande claque; c'est Harry qui l'a dit! [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
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Nombre de messages : 441
Localisation : Toulouse
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2010

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype   [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeMer 4 Mar - 10:08

Marc a écrit:
Ok, thanks for the answers.
I see that students are the same in France and Spain...
Very Happy

Oh la!! Après la chanson de Goldman, c'est une déclaration de guerre [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype 998726
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Nombre de messages : 949
Age : 64
Localisation : centre et corse
Date d'inscription : 27/11/2012

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype   [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeMer 4 Mar - 20:26

Ben oui, Marc +1... (Réflexion de vieux c... que je suis surement). [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype 412241
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Nombre de messages : 646
Localisation : Monségur
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2012

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype   [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Mar - 8:09

C'est une base de YZF R 125.
Jantes, fourche, forme du bras et du cadre.

C'est sûrement léger pour s'aligner dans quelque catégorie Moto3 que ce soit, mais le travail est intéressant en effet.
Rien que les poids annoncés; en comparaison aux éléments Yamaha... [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype 241515
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Nombre de messages : 646
Localisation : Monségur
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2012

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype   [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Mar - 8:57

Moteur SHERCO  [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype 921866  Arnaud De M. doit être fier!

Suspension arrière d'origine Yamaha, biellettes de renvoi convalescentes et cadre non caissonné :

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]

Il reste encore un peu pas mal de boulot en effet mais pourquoi pas, avec envie cela peut être interessant à suivre.
Courage! [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype 980796
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Nombre de messages : 38
Localisation : valencia
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2015

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype   [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Mar - 23:19

Hello, actually it is Sherco engine and components others of yamaha yzf-r 125, but this is so by regulations of the competition, it was the same for all participants.

Moto3 in name only, of course you can only participate in a real competition of moto3 if you want to make the ridiculous, the engine is very bad, more than 10 bikes broke into competition !! suspensions but may not be, and the wheels weigh almost as a whole bike.

The frame has many design flaws, is the first prototype and besides I would not meddle in the work of students and over was manufactured in just two months, has any idea what it means to make a bike in two months and carbon fiber ?? I now take over, and my next evolution be much better
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Nombre de messages : 646
Localisation : Monségur
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2012

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype   [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeVen 6 Mar - 7:56

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype 771973

"Tenga la voluntad y la perseverancia, y usted hará maravillas" Benjamin FRANKLIN

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype 980796
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Nombre de messages : 5
Age : 32
Localisation : Cologne
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2015

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype   [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeDim 29 Mar - 11:20

Nice work! I don't know how you guys did to justify the price of your carbon frame with the 4750€ maximum price for 600 produced bikes. But just having a 72kg bikes it's a great accomplishment. I'm really sorry for the engine problems, and I really would have liked to see the performance of your exciting bike on the track.

We got almost the same problems with the brazilian bike. Everything was manufactured at the last minute, plus we received every component 2 months late (customs problems) and since the bike had to fly to spain, our planning was very short. Many last minute design changes were done. At the end we were able to solve our engines problems the night before the race.

By the way, 10 bikes broke at the competition, but 3 others engines broke at some testings before the event...

Hey see you on 2016!

Franchement, je pense que ça vaut le coup de jeter un coup d’œil à ce qui se fait en Moto Student. Pour des budgets assez limités (Prix estimé de notre moto 8000€), il y a des solutions assez intéressantes à voir. Puis c'est qu une fois tout les 2 ans.
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Nombre de messages : 38
Localisation : valencia
Date d'inscription : 03/03/2015

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype   [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitimeDim 29 Mar - 12:54

Hi, thanks for your compliments, certainly not any drawback make a carbon fiber bike at those prices, this prototype was done with just 5000e + kit MotoStudent. There is a great lack of actual costs and many myths about composites, today it is possible to perform a series bike so be aware that there are carbon bicycles that come from asia for just 500e, a motorcycle would suppose not many more costs, but it would be a great investment to amortize the cost of production in series, this is a very risky.

I'm just contributor sponsor in the MotoStudent team, not if they had my support for the next edition, I hope so be it, for me it was a nice experience.
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Contenu sponsorisé

[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype   [Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype Icon_minitime

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[Moto3] Carbon fiber prototype
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